Sugarloaf Herb Farm

This is the place you've dreamed of—a cute, ivy green bungalow next to a clear stream.


Sit at Aunt Betty and Uncle Clyde's bay window and watch the hummingbirds darting through the monarda. You might see the wild turkey family strolling in the soybean field.


This is for those who appreciate wisteria and sunshine... and bird song and the patchwork planted fields of Sugarloaf, Pennsylvania.

Generations of Zehners have sown this valley with crops of corn, potatoes and grain.


Our beloved Grandfather Clyde Zehner, Sr; was a conservationist, a Renaissance man with several careers. His parents, John and Minnie built the bungalow in Sugarloaf and raised pigs and turkeys. Minnie made incredible quilts, full of creativity and color. They taught their only child to love and respect the land. Clyde, Sr. grew up with a thirsting curiosity and attention to detail. As a boy, he recited poetry and became comfortable with public speaking. This training helped when he worked with the state agriculture program to spread the ideas of crop rotation and contour plowing.


I am so proud to follow in the farming tradition. Although not close to the scale of my grandparents, it satisfies my soul. It is the best job in the world.


                                                        ~ Claudia

                                                  Founder & Owner

Sugarloaf Herb Farm * PO Box 176 Olyphant, PA 18447
